Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yelp Snapsot

Puts things into perspective. Yelp, being only 4 years old, is definitely something to take note of...especially for restaurants, who compose 34% of the reviews on the site. On the bright side 4-star and 5-star reviews top the chart for the most kinds of reviews made on yelp - a lot less bad mouthing and a lot more good word-of-mouth publicity!

Other interesting stats in the chart pictured above: 4 million reviews, with 34% restaurants, 23% shopping, 8% beauty and fitness, etc. Users are 51% male and 49% female, and 65% have a college degree.

Tech Crunch shares this and more info about Yelp in light of the recent Citysearch beta launch.


Anonymous said...

Very helpful statistics, Stacy - I really appreciate you sharing this.

Stacy, Marketing Manager said...

No problem! Thanks for stopping by our blog - let us know if there is any other information you'd like us to post about.